Why I decided to raise my children with less?

I decided to raise my child with less, not because I do not want my kid to have everything he wants or needs but, because of these few points..

More Creative: Less means more. Less toys means they will have to get creative with the toys they have. They can be more innovative and productive with their imagination.

Stay engaged longer: With less toys they can stay focused on one thing. It helps them eventually learn to focus on the important things in life. It is easier for them to locate their toys and a benefit less toys means that it will be easier for them to clean up.  This will also help them focus better later in their childhood and later adulthood.

Value: Less toys means they will learn to value what they have. Having less means they will have more appreciation for what they do have. It teaches them gratitude. Having less toys means they will learn to take better care of what they have in the long run. Which could even save money for you in the long run.

Learn the value of a dollar: This one is very important. When kids go to the store they want toys, that is within no doubt. Teaching them that less is more will provide kids the acknowledgement that they have to be responsible about their money in the long run. Which helps them in the long run when they grow up to spend responsibly and how to take care of themselves and be successful in life.

Less stress: Having a lot of clutter can affect anyone emotionally. For me at-least clutter stresses me out. When there is so much clutter its hard for me to even think. Less toys for children could help them not have so much stress over all, less stress cleaning up their messes because they do not have heaps of toys consumed and then worrying about cleaning up the mess later. Less toys can even lead to less stress for you as well.

SIDE NOTE- Kids do not need toys to fill themselves with happiness. Neither do we. Filling your life with items and materials will not make you happy in the long run.. It might even do the opposite. 
What is minimalism? Minimalism is a way of life, people often hear this word and think of not having anything at all. This term scares people. Lets just think of it as a way of life. A freeing movement to gain freedom, and insight. It is not just about getting rid of clutter, I would like to let that be known. It is about removing anything in your life that does not bring absolute joy.


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