Introduction & what I have accomplished so far.

How I got introduced to minimalism:
I love watching cleaning videos, I know sounds crazy right.. Well I follow one girl in particular and she recommended watching a documentary, The Minimalists on Netflix. I fell in love instantly with the thought of having less clutter in my life and more joy... Being frugal and thinking about things clearly before just swiping a card. So, I did much and much research, I even bought one of the books, by The Minimalists, I listen to their podcasts also. I even went as far as going onto Pinterest and learning more that way.

I began my process( work in progress) because my life is not perfect I still make mistakes, I still buy stuff without thinking, do I need this? Does it bring me joy? Will I use this often, etc.. etc

First, I went through every drawer in mine and my husbands dresser and I slowly evaluated our "stuff." Thinking, Do I need this? Do I like this? Have I used it in the past 30 days or has my husband?
  1. I went through my clothes drawer first. Does it fit? No. I then put it into a bag for donation. Is this item ripped, stained to a point where I can not repair? Yes. I then threw it away. 
  2.  First, I started with mine and my husbands underwear and sock drawer, discarding stuff that was clearly very broken into; with wholes or visible wear and tear. This step is easier if you prefer to just get a clean start and buying all new products that brings you joy and replacing those old items. I then started the new folding process, called the Kon Mari Method I have done a ton of research and I learned of a new and improved way to folding laundry that is very space saving. (Keep in mind before this process I barely had any room to even shut my drawers, now I have so much spacious room and can see everything I own, doing this method seeing more you own helps to actually wear clothes that you own instead of being stuffed in the back of a drawer.)
  3. Next,  I did my t-shirt and pajama pants and shorts drawer. I threw away or donated a huge portion of my drawer. Most of the clothes did not bring me joy, I feel like I just kept these clothes around because maybe one day I will wear, 50% of the time I never did. A lot of my t-shirts and pajama pants had stains of all sorts. They did not bring me joy at all just stress every time I would try to clothes my drawers. I then started the folding process, so I looked up the Kon Mari Method for shirts and pants and set them up vertically so it is easier to be seen. I then did the same process with my husbands shirts and shorts. 

( Here is a picture of my sons drawer that I have used the Kon Mari Method)
Taylor's Drawer


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